Wow, how time flies when you’re spending a lot of time doing nothing activities as a retired guy and blogging isn’t one of them. It’s been 344 days since my last blogflection on March 11, 2024. I should be ashamed of myself and am, somewhat, given that Pierini Fitness has been in cyberspace existence almost seventeen years since August 28, 2008.
So, what have I been doing? Glad you asked.
I continue with my fitness pursuits
in my gracefully aging journey. I have swapped
blogging time for video-making time and have added a lot of content to my Pierini Fitness YouTube Channel. If I wasn’t so lazy, I’d take those videos
and leverage them here with some middle-aged man fitness training wisdom.
But in my lethargic blogging
absence, I’ve slowly come to the end of my middle-age manhood. Years ago, I “announced” that once a person
becomes age 70, they’re an old man. My days
of middle-aged manhood are slowly coming to an end. The next time you read a new blogflection
here, it will be penned by and old man named Pierini Fitness.
So, it’s time to make some
changes with this time-tested blog. The banner currently reads as follows:
“Founded on August 28, 2008, Pierini Fitness
is a middle-aged man's reflections about living and dying, gracefully aging,
and trying my best to live a good and honest life. There's good middle-aged man
diet, fitness and health stuff here too. Enjoy your visit here and savor the
knowledge and wisdom. Tell a middle-aged man or woman friend to stop by for a
visit. Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.”
It will soon change to read as follows:
“Founded on August 28, 2008, Pierini Fitness
is now an old man who continues sharing his reflections about living and dying,
gracefully aging, and trying my best to live a good and honest life. Prior to turning age 70, he shared his
reflections from a middle-aged man’s perspective. Pierini Fitness has added content to now
include occasionally financial and political perspectives. Enjoy your visit here and savor his knowledge
and wisdom. Tell an older man or woman
friend to stop by for a visit. Pax
Domini sit semper vobiscum.”
The section titled WHO IS PIERINI FITNESS? currently reads as follows:
“I'm a
69-year young middle-aged man fitness dude. As founder and chief executive
blogger of Pierini Fitness, I'm the ambassador of middle-aged men around the
world, advocating their interests and expressing their views of the way life
was, the way life is and the way life should be. I have my own thoughts and
opinions about this and that, and they're not dependent upon whether or not you
believe them. I express them periodically - and sometimes more - with a Pierini
Fitness blogflection. I will personally and timely reply to all your comments
and questions.”
will soon change to read as follows:
“I’m a 70-years young older
man fitness guy. As founder and chief executive
blogger of Pierini Fitness, I share my opinions and wisdom about the way life
was, the way life is, and the way life should be. While most of my content since 2008 has
focused on reflections about living and dying, gracefully aging and trying to
live a good and honest life, I now occasionally share my financial and
political thoughts. I will personally
and timely reply to all your comments and questions.”
I apologize for my unexcused prolonged absence but stay tuned because my old
man opinions and wisdom will soon be revealed and shared.
Pax Domini sit semper