Monday, June 29, 2015

Heavyhands 7-Movement Medley

Over five years ago, I wrote about a weekly date with heavyhands.  I had no idea it would become the most viewed of the over 730 blogflections (and counting) here at Pierini Fitness.

In case you missed it, click the link below to read it:  

For the longest time since then, I've wanted to make a video of my heavyhands 7-movement medley but never got around to doing it.  A week ago, however, I finally did and today I'm sharing it with you.  

As an alternative to performing each movement for one minute, as the video suggests, you may want to count instead.  I suggest counting to 120 for the alternating hand movements (movements #1, #4 and #6) and counting to 60 for all other movements.  

That is what I did a few days after filming this video when I completed an abbreviated workout of two rounds and one mile in 16 minutes. A walking pace of between 15 to 20 minutes per mile seems about right to me.

Grab a pair of light dumbbells and go take a stroll in the park or your neighborhood trying my Pierini Heavyhands 7-Movement Medley.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

1 comment:

Pierini Fitness said...

If you have any specific questions about this Heavyhands medley, or any other comments or questions, you may send me an e-mail at