Monday, December 8, 2008

Introduction to Mullets 1A

Everyone who went to college remembers the predictable numbering schemes of college courses with most introductory courses numbered as 1A. I remember my English 1A and Financial Accounting 1A courses and the C grades I received for my substandard efforts.

If there was an introductory college course on how to grow and wear a mullet, it would make sense to call it Introduction to Mullets 1A. To learn the subject well, you'd need a reference textook with plenty of good photos, like the above photo taken of me twelve years ago when I was age 41, entering middle-age manhood.

Since learning is a lifelong experience, I think all men about to enter the kingdom of middle-age manhood should be required to take the class Introduction to Mullets 1A.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum


Anonymous said...

Bring back the mullet Pierini! Nothing says "fierce" like a dude who is business-in-the-front and party-in-the-back!

Unknown said...

Nice. Mine's longer though...by 41 it will be longer still.

Do you by any chance listen to sirius 23 "Hair Nation"... Home of the mullet and damn proud of it.


Anonymous said...

I'll pass on the mullet. Thanks anyway.

Anonymous said...

I always thought a mullet was a fish of some kind. Never quite understood why Americans liked wearing them on their heads.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I hung out with you. I'm so embarrassed.


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