Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Intermittent fasting in Mexico City

This is an update of my continuing intermittent fasting (IF) journey, focusing on last week in Mexico City. I last provided an update on April 21st here: These are what I take

Last week in Mexico City, my plan was to practice IF Monday through Friday and I actually did so on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I didn’t, however, in a spirit of not being “anti-social”, pressures IF practitioners constantly face from the rest of the world. I resumed IF on Thursday and developed a real bad headache by the afternoon. I initially attributed this bad headache to Mexico City air pollution, a hot sunny afternoon, and possible dehydration, but had a similar headache the following day, Friday afternoon, despite drinking lots of water. Therefore, I made a “business decision” to eat early that afternoon and ended up eating quite a bit of food that day.

Saturday and Sunday, were non-IF days according to my IF plan and I also ate rather well on both of those days.

Just for the record, I ate very well in the evening on both IF and non-IF days. The Enchilada Michocanas dinner I ate on the Sunday evening we arrived was absolutely delicious and makes my mouth salivate just thinking about it. So were the three dinners we ate at the homes of my wife’s cousins on other days.

Since returning home late Sunday night, I practiced IF on Monday and Tuesday of this week and that is also my plan for today.

The positive discoveries of IF that I discussed on April 21st are motivating factors for me continuing IF. Currently, my bodyweight and body fat have stabilized, my strength and strength endurance is down, and so is my muscle mass. In all fairness, part of my strength and strength endurance erosion must be attributed to my training, or lack of it, due to a busy work season and travel. I’ll be able to verify this as I ramp up my training effort and intensity in the months ahead.

So there you have it – an update of my intermittent fasting in Mexico City.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum


Charles Long said...

I'm glad you wrote about this. I was curious as to how you handled it on your trip.

Tom said...

IF is contraindicated when traveling abroad, especially in a country with good food. Nervous energy and strange places usually burn extra calories.


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