Sunday, July 5, 2009

My TGIF-mindset

Back in the old days over 25 years ago before I became self-employed, I remember the “Thank God it’s Friday” (TGIF) mindset on Friday workdays. While I enjoyed my profession and job, I enjoyed my weekends more. TGIF was a common utterance on Friday afternoons. It was a youthful rebellious barking in opposition to 3-piece suits and ties wrapped around our necks with briefcases in hands as we pranced around here and there like little junior business executives. That TGIF-mindset for the most part went away once I became self-employed because of an imaginary freedom that I didn’t perceive as an employee.

As I’ve shared before, on Monday through Friday I am an intermittent fasting (IF) practitioner eating once a day in the evening within a planned 5 hour window. I really enjoy the IF lifestyle and my plans are to continue with it indefinitely on Monday through Friday. Of course I reserve the right to change but not as of right now. Saturday and Sunday are my days to eat as normal people do. I look forward to my Saturday and Sunday and probably eat more on those days.

Today is Sunday and, just like the old days, I’m having a great eating day just like I imagined on Friday while knee-deep in my TGIF-mindset.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

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