Sunday, July 26, 2009

Often imitated but never duplicated

How time flies when you are having fun and that is what this chief executive blogger of Pierini Fitness has been doing; having fun banging out one clever blogflection after another this past week. There’s only so much clever and creative fuel in my mind tank so a deserving rest is the order of today. It’s Sunday and, like clockwork, Pierini Fitness is closed so the chief executive blogger can rest his body, mind and spirit.

The last couple of months have been relaxing for me at work with a Tuesday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. work schedule. This has given me lots of time to ponder middle-age man life and compose some fun blogflections. People sometimes comment that it must take a lot of time to write my daily blogflections; believe it or not, it doesn’t. What I’ve learned in my blogging journey is that God has blessed me with the an ability to do this kind of writing swiftly once the topic is embedded in my mind. On average, I spend 15 minutes or less composing the daily blogflections you read here at Pierini Fitness. If only I could be so good and so swift in other aspects of my life.

Starting next week and for the next couple of weeks, I have a client assignment that will require me to work as most people do, Monday through Friday for at least a standard 40-hour work week. I’m trembling at that thought but am sure that all will be fine, although Monday might be a little bumpy. How this will impact my ability to cyber-deliver my daily blogflections at Pierini Fitness remains to be seen so stay tuned to find out.

Check back tomorrow for another blogflection about a topic yet to be determined but guaranteed to be creative and original. My Pierini Fitness blogflections are often imitated but never duplicated.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

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