Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sleeping on the couch

The honeymoon is over and the American public is starting to feel uneasy with President Obama’s economic leadership according a new USA Today/Gallup Poll released this week. Apparently, we have become more pessimistic about the American economy and when the current recession will end.

According to this poll, at six months in office, President Obama’s 55% approval rating puts him 10th among 12th post-World War presidents at this point in their tenures.

Here’s a synopsis from the USA Today website:

Percentage of Americans who approve of the way President Obama is handling:

Iraq - 57%

Afghanistan - 56%

Economy - 47%

Health care policy - 44%

Federal budget deficit - 41%

Source: USA TODAY/Gallup Poll of 1,006 adults July 17-19; margin of error: +/- 4 percentage points.

We all knew the honeymoon would end sooner or later but this is definitely very soon. Just like the first spat that married newlyweds eventually face, it looks like the American public bride is telling the Presidential groom that he is going to be spending some nights sleeping on the couch.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum


Anonymous said...

Hi Pierini!

I just saw this on TV last night.
Check it out. I'm going to send one to my brother who voted for the annointed one-hehe!!


Have a great day,

Pierini Fitness said...

That's how my hair looks, sometimes, when I wake up in the morning and had a hard night with the pillow.

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