Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Your advice is respectfully sought

In less than one month Pierini Fitness will celebrate its one year anniversary of the day it burst into the blogosphere universe on August 28, 2008, joining thousands and, perhaps, millions of other bloggers around the world who think they have something important to say or are just having fun blogging. How time flies when us bloggers are having fun.

Naturally all kinds of thoughts swarm through my head as I approach this one-year anniversary. Should Pierini Fitness continue or should the chief executive blogger retire and move on to something else more productive? Even if not productive, the average of 15 minutes I spend daily writing my blogflections could be spent taking a quick nap, or spending more quality time with my wife, or performing more random acts of kindness, or getting neglected chores done, blah, blah, blah, the opportunities are infinite.

As shared before, composing these blogflections has been fun and, believe it or not, relaxing because it gives me a time out from the real world in which I live, a siesta to let my mind wander in reflection-land like a child spending a day at Disneyland, like that great daydream we wander into during the middle of the day unbeknownst to us and others around us. Good stuff for sure.

Then there are all the questions that I have if Pierini Fitness continues. Should I continue in my self-appointed role as ambassador of middle-age men around the world, advocating their interests and writing about the way life was, the way life is and the way life should be? Should I expand my horizon beyond middle-age man fitness and health, reflective ramblings and occasional economic and political thoughts?

Does my blog front page need a makeover? Perhaps a new photo, different colors and a new layout?

There’s so much to consider and so little time to think about it.

So maybe you can help. Tell me what you think. The pleasure of your advice is respectfully sought.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum


Charles Long said...

I'd say continue as you have. You've tackled fitness, politics, and other topics, and us middle age men need an ambassador. I don't want the job.

Pierini Fitness said...

Thanks for the input Charles. For a moment there, I thought another episode of the sound of one hand clapping was taking place here with the absence of comments.

Interesting is that there have been blog visits today and view of this blogflection but apparently there is a several case of the cat having people's tongues so hence the comment silence.

Hope all is well with you and your family and that you are beating the summer heat.

Tom said...

Overthinking. Flow, man, flow. There are no questions - at least none that anyone else can answer.

Wolfgang said...

Just wanted to let you know I read your blog regularly and appreciate it a great deal. It certainly has been both beneficial and inspirational for me.

Best regards,


Pierini Fitness said...

Well thank you for the kudos Wolfgang and thanks for your visit.

Beyond the compliment, any advice is appreciated.

Have a great day!

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