Saturday, September 12, 2009

Is a good woman

Well the oldies but goodies are over and I promised fitness-related blogflections but there won't be one today. Life sometimes gets in the way. A chaotic week and my wife's birthday left this middle-man exhausted by the end of the week and unable to compose a good blogflection.

Last Tuesday was my wife's birthday and I put together a short video of the celebration with photos of the small cast of characters who were present.

Here it is and I hope you enjoy it:

Life gets in the way so I only made it to the gym once on Wednesday. Hopefully next week will be better. My focus this past week was on my marital fitness because behind every content middle-age man is a good woman.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum


Tom said...

Feliz birthday. (couldn't make a tilde over the n)

Charles Long said...

Nice video.

Pierini Fitness said...

Thanks fellas.

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