Thursday, September 24, 2009

Keep me humble

A glimmer of improved training frequency showed its pleasant face Tuesday afternoon when I arrived at my gym for a second workout this week, an improvement from a series of once-a-week workouts I had been doing. Continuing with the sub-max training that I wrote about on Tuesday, I did some random this and that stuff, going easy as new posterior chain delayed-onset muscles soreness was settling in thanks to Monday afternoon’s introduction to kettlebell swings.

I concluded the workout experimenting with a pair of 10 lb. clubbells, fitness tools I’ve previously never used, keeping it simple and shoulder-friendly. I’ll continue to experiment and incorporate clubbells into my workouts along with kettlebells as cardio closers.

Prior to the clubbell experiment, I pulled an oldie but goodie workout out of my training archive closet and did my Plan B workout described here: I am doing my Plan B workout.

Completing this Plan B workout was another exhibition of operating in the sub-max zone. I’ll give some credit to my recovering shoulders for my sub-max effort, but most of the credit goes to being Plan B workout rusty. Here’s a recap of my hold times with prior personal best times in parenthesis:

Handstand hold – 1:09 (1:59)

Standard grip pullup hang – 1:05 (2:08)

Parallel squat wall sit – 1:30 (2:30)

Ab plank – 3:00 (5:01)

Superman extension on the glute-ham unit – 1:00 (1:19)

There’s nothing better than some Plan B workout rust to keep me humble.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

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