Thursday, October 8, 2009

A plate of Spam and a bowl of Ramen

The Center for Science in the Public Interest recently conducted a study of dangerous foods. Scientist for this nutrition advocacy group rated foods by the number of illness outbreaks associated with them since 1990 and compiled a list by risk.

Topping its list were these 10 riskiest foods, listed in descending order, were:

Leafy greens including lettuce and spinach






Ice Cream




You can read more about it here: Leafy Greens, Eggs & Tuna Top List of Riskiest FDA-Regulated Foods

In a sigh of relief, young people gourmet cooks found comfort when reading this list that their favorite foods were absent. They’re busy now preparing a dinner favorite of a plate of Spam with a bowl of Ramen.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum


Justin_PS said...

This reminds me of the time I was in a hotel, chatting with the girl behind the front desk, when a moribdly obese woman walks in. She wanted a paper cup because she was worried about heating tea in a mircowave inside of a plastic or foam cup and releasing chemicals into her tea.

As she left, I verbally mused about the likelihood of her dying from being fat vs. chemical-laden tea.

We have an interesting way of being penny-smart and dollar-stupid when it comes to our health in this country.

Charles Long said...

I eat all of those except oysters--I'm on a low slime diet and avoid those. I eat ice cream rarely but lots of leafy greens and eggs.

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