Monday, January 6, 2014

The obese middle-aged man stooge

Three Stooges Larry, Moe & Curly
A study published by a United Kingdom think tank – what the heck is that? – reported a quadrupling in the number of overweight or obese people in developing countries from 1980 to 2008.

The Overseas Development Institute, the name of this think tank, says one third of all adults worldwide or 1.46 billion people are now overweight or obese.

Somewhat of a surprise to me is that by 2008, more people were overweight and obese in developing countries (904 million) than in richer countries (557 million).

How times have changed from long ago when parents used to tell children, “ there are starving children in China” reminding us how fortunate we were to have a full plate of food and how those starving children in China would give anything to be in our shoes.

None of us probably ever understood how eating our dinner plates clean helped a child in China.

So just like long ago, in a left, middle and right lineup of three middle-aged men, one of us will be the obese middle-aged man stooge.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum


Anonymous said...

China is a world power because of all of us finishing the food on our plates when we were children

Pierini Fitness said...

Well I hope in some small way that the peas I left on my plate kept them from being stronger.

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