Saturday, May 9, 2015

Happy Birthday Mom!

My Mom was born on May 9, 1931 so today is her 84th birthday. Here is a  poem for her:

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy birthday Mom, it's number 84; wishing you a wonderful day and many, many more.

Life began it seems so very long ago; an amazing life you've lived with hopefully more to go. 

As a youngster working in the fields with brothers and sisters, picking fruit gave your hands many, many blisters.  

Later away you went starting your own life; many jobs you worked before becoming a wife.

Then as a mother of two girls and three boys; you gave them nurturing and birthday toys.

They became adults going their separate way, but memories of them as your little children remain to this day. 

You’ve been blessed with beauty. a kind heart and health, and many other blessings that are your God-given wealth.

So today please enjoy your birthday. food and drink; and know your recent health challenge is really not a big stink.

Happy Birthday Mom, praise God you're alive; we hope to be with you next year for number 85!

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum


John D said...

Happy Birthday Mrs Pierini
Such a pretty lady, you are a lucky man Ed

Pierini Fitness said...

Hello John D and thanks for your belated well wishes which I will pass along to my Mom. Have a nice day.

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