Monday, November 23, 2015

Once in a while

Over the weekend, I decided to sneak in a quick Saturday workout.  This month I’ve been a Monday, Wednesday and Friday fitness training dude but decided a bonus weekend workout was something I wanted to do.

I gave my kettlebells a day of rest and chose to use my only pair of dumbbells that had been collecting some dust lately from lack of use.  They’re a pair that weigh of 35 lbs. each. 

I did a workout of alternating arm curl and overhead press for 10 reps a round (that’s 5 reps with each arm).  My goal was to complete 300 reps so that means 30 rounds was the fitness training assignment.

My plan was to start a new round every 50 seconds which was the pace I followed the last time I did this workout in September.  Well as fate had it, my interval timer acted up no sooner than I began this workout so instead I relied on my perceived exertion to moderate brief rest periods between rounds.

It took me 26:12 to complete the 30 rounds and 300 reps which was 1:30 slower than my previous effort.  That pace equates to 52.4 seconds per round.  I’m guessing each round was about 30 to 35 seconds of work with the balance being rest.

I like this workout but it seems like not enough to do it more often than once in a while.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

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