Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Buy yourself a diet Big Gulp

A news article catching my attention yesterday was about a recent research study that found people who drink sugary beverages every day tend to accumulate more deep belly fat over time.

The study was of over 1,000 adults and concluded those who slam down at least one sugar-sweetened drink a day had a greater chance of adding to their deep abdominal fat over the next six years.

Perhaps this finding is a middle-aged man fatso example of the classic adage of how “Rome was not built in a day.”

Here’s an abstract of this research if you want to read more:

Added belly girth was not found to be the case when diet soda was consumed.

So next time you middle-aged men need your carbonated daily fix, instead of your regular sugary favorite, buy yourself a diet Big Gulp.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

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