Thursday, January 10, 2019

Pierini Fitness has joined Twitter!

Pierini Fitness has joined the Twitter social media network to provide another venue for all middle-aged men of the world to have access to middle-aged man reflections and pearls of wisdom to guide them in their fitness, health and wellness journey.

It will supplement the middle-aged man reflections about living and dying, gracefully-aging and trying to live a good and honest life appearing here at Pierini Fitness.  And, it’ll share daily affirmations to motivate you to chase your fitness, health and wellness goals with the intensity necessary for success.

Finally, it’ll give you advance notice of upcoming Pierini Fitness content. Visit and follow along at https://twitter.com/PieriniFitness to learn of upcoming Pierini Fitness content that’ll be published tomorrow and next Monday.  You can access us at Twitter by clicking the Twitter icon appearing on the right sidebar of this page.

Yes, my fellow middle-aged men brothers from different mothers, Pierini Fitness has joined Twitter!

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

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