Monday, February 28, 2022

The pull/push part of my last workout


I’ve been doing weighted pull-ups and bar dips lately in my fitness training and am pleased with the recent progress made reclaiming my strength. I say “reclaiming” because whatever I’m currently achieving with my training – weight used, reps completed and time to complete a specified workout - is what I’ve done in the past. At this point in my gracefully aging fitness training pursuits, there’s nothing new under the sun and this includes workout performance.

Sometimes I’ll do the weighted pull-ups or weighted bar dips on different days but sometimes, I’ll pair them together as a superset. When I need pushing variety, I’ll substitute the weighted bar dips with double kettlebell overhead press work.

Other exercises I’m including in my training are double kettlebell rack squats, an occasional kettlebell complex or chain workout and burpees. I’ve discovered the challenge of Navy Seals burpees and have been trying to get about two workouts a week doing 100 repetitions of them. I’ll also do other burpees work because it (the burpee) has become my primary cardiovascular-respiratory conditioning exercise. Like other burpees enthusiasts, I “hate” burpees but love the benefits they provide. And they keep my humble. 

Here’s part of my workout last Monday.  I’ve been off since then because I caught the flu and had to take a training time out. I’m projecting to be ready to get back with my fitness training tomorrow or the next day and am sure I’ll notice the time out.

 Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum


grauph said...

Hope you're doing well. looking forward to any kind of Youtube updates.

Pierini Fitness said...

Hi and thanks for checking up on me; I'm still breathing. I'm not doing burpees at the moment due to wrist and hand injury but have started doing some running. I'm not in intensity mode right now and haven't uploaded videos in a while but I'll eventually get back on the upload saddle.

I hope your training is going according to your expectations and that you enjoy your day. Thanks again.

Machinehead said...

Haven't seen you in a while (here or on Sierra)... hope all is well.

Pierini Fitness said...

Hi Machinehead and thanks for checking in to make sure I'm still breathing. I am but seem to be going through a creative dry spell with my Pierini Fitness blog. It's happened before but I'll eventually be back.

I no longer frequent the Sierra Exercise Forum after having a terse exchange with a couple of experts and know-it-alls there. Besides Bruce is no longer with us so it was a perfect time to check out.

I hope you're doing well and that your training is going well too. Thanks again and enjoy the rest of your day.

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