Last week my wife and I purchased round trip airline tickets from San Francisco to Mexico City for the whopping price of $290 per ticket. We are going on a one week religious pilgrimage to Mexico City the last week of April with Human Life International, a pro-life and pro-family values educational apostolate.
The mission of Pierini Fitness - being the ambassador of middle-age men around the world, advocating their interests and expressing their views of the way life was, the way life is and way life should be – must continue during my absence. Therefore, this is a first call for guest middle-age men and women who can step up to the plate and serve as a guest blogger during my absence.
If you are a middle-age man or woman, please consider volunteering for this very important mission. I’m looking for a different guest blogger for each day of my absence, someone who can deliver a creative and guaranteed to be original blogflection about middle-age man or woman fitness and health, reflective ramblings, or political thought.
Who is a middle-age man or woman? That’s a good question and I answered it here: A middle-age man
Pierini Fitness embraces equal opportunity so middle-age women are encouraged to apply.
Are you interested? Send me an e-mail and I’ll tell you more. Don’t have my e-mail? Post a comment below and I’ll tell you the best way to contact me.
Nervous about the task or doubtful about your writing abilities? No problem because I’ll help you during your journey to the fabulous cyberspace blogflection universe.
Can you handle the challenge? This is my first calling all middle-age men and women.
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum
The mission of Pierini Fitness - being the ambassador of middle-age men around the world, advocating their interests and expressing their views of the way life was, the way life is and way life should be – must continue during my absence. Therefore, this is a first call for guest middle-age men and women who can step up to the plate and serve as a guest blogger during my absence.
If you are a middle-age man or woman, please consider volunteering for this very important mission. I’m looking for a different guest blogger for each day of my absence, someone who can deliver a creative and guaranteed to be original blogflection about middle-age man or woman fitness and health, reflective ramblings, or political thought.
Who is a middle-age man or woman? That’s a good question and I answered it here: A middle-age man
Pierini Fitness embraces equal opportunity so middle-age women are encouraged to apply.
Are you interested? Send me an e-mail and I’ll tell you more. Don’t have my e-mail? Post a comment below and I’ll tell you the best way to contact me.
Nervous about the task or doubtful about your writing abilities? No problem because I’ll help you during your journey to the fabulous cyberspace blogflection universe.
Can you handle the challenge? This is my first calling all middle-age men and women.
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum
1 comment:
Hi Ed, I thought the "Calling All" post was going to invite everyone to join us for the Procession this Sunday, starting at McKinley Park at 12:30, walking to Planned Parenthood at 29th and B Street, while praying for an end to abortion and a conversion of our nation. We hope to have a thousand people join us in prayer as we begin our "40 Days for Life" this Lent. Everyone is invited! wynette
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