Saturday, July 18, 2009

Let's do it again soon

On Wednesday I had the wonderful opportunity to meet and train with another middle-age man fitness dude, Mr. Franklin B. Herman, RKC of Middleton, Massachusetts. Meeting my cyberspace fitness brother from a different mother was the topic of this Pierini Fitness blogflection: It's a small world

The meeting began when Mr. Herman arrived at the worldwide headquarters of Pierini Fitness. After some initial middle-age man chit-chat over a bottle of refreshing Pelligrino mineral water, the two warriors made their way to Bodytribe Fitness for a light Olympic weightlifting workout.

Here’s a Pierini Fitness video exclusive highlight of Mr. Herman's workout at Bodytribe Fitness:

It was a great meeting and Olympic weightlifting training session Mr. Herman. I also enjoyed your company and conversation over dinner. Let's do it again soon.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum


Franklin said...

That was one of the finest times I have spent in a long time. Thanks so much for your gracious hospitality and I do look forward to doing it again, especially another training session at the BodyTribe fitness club.

If you should ever have the opportunity to visit the Boston area, we would be most honored to have you as our guest.

Pierini Fitness said...

The pleasure was mine Franklin. Glad your stay was an enjoyable one and that you had a safe trip home.

It's been a long time since I've been to Boston and feels good to know that when I return that I'm welcome as your guest.

Rest and recover from your jet lag.

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