Friday, February 22, 2019

Another Saturday workout at my office

There’s a time of the year when Pierini Fitness works harder and longer than the rest of the year and that time is now.  Therefore, thanks to an extra spare office room where I have my minimalist fitness training toolbox, I’m able to get some quick fitness action when I’d otherwise be stuck at my desk, staring at a desktop computer, and sitting hour and hour working on a Saturday.

This was my case last Saturday.

But I found time for a quick, less than 20-minutes workout, using my favorite training implement, the kettlebell (KB.)

What I did was one of my favorite KB complexes, The Rdella Power 5 KB Complex.  It’s my “go to” KB complex for measuring cardiovascular conditioning and the ability to work hard at a high level of intensity.  I have a section in my training journal where I recorded my time to complete five rounds of this challenging complex.  This training performance history showcases completion times all over the place depending on my conditioning, or the lack of it, at the time. 

I use a 20kg KB when performing this single KB complex which consists of five reps each of the swing, snatch, clean, rack squat and overhead press.  Five reps of each exercise are done before advancing to the next one.  I first do this series with my right arm and then switch and do my left arm.  One round is finished when I’m completed both arms.  Completing five rounds for time is my workout.

My best time completing this tough KB complex is 12:27 back in November 2014 when had a higher level of cardiovascular conditioning.  Last Saturday, it took me four minutes longer; look here:

Viewing this video, I again see more work needing to be done with my technique; it’s a never-ending work in progress.

With about half a dozen more Saturday’s of working this year, this upcoming weekend will include another Saturday workout at my office.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

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