Friday, September 20, 2019

Good way to blast my shoulders

I don’t consider myself to be a super-strong middle-aged man but am decent when it comes to the overhead press lift.  I remember years ago spending time working my barbell overhead press and got as high as 175 lbs. for a single repetition before moving on to “bigger and better” training.  Now, that training is using kettlebells. 

I enjoy taking them with me wherever I go.  Last Friday, one week ago today, I took them with me to Santa Cruz and put them to work for an overhead press workout at nearby La Selva Beach.

My workout consisted of ten rounds pressing a pair of 24kg kettlebells, starting a new round every three minutes.  I concluded with a bonus round using a pair of 20kg kettlebells. 

I enjoyed this workout as I do most of my workouts.  The background ocean breeze and sunny day made for a great outdoor training experience taking 30:37 to complete.

Double overhead press work with a pair of challenge-appropriate kettlebells is always a good way to blast my shoulders.
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

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