Monday, September 23, 2019

Pullups and bar dips test

Two staples in my fitness training rotation are pullups and bar dips.  I regularly perform them, both bodyweight-only and weight-added versions.  They’ve served me well, so I’ll continue to do them until further notice.

One way to measure progress is by how many repetitions of each exercise I can perform in a single set.  At this point in my middle-aged man fitness training journey, what I’m able to do is less than what I’ve done in the past.

Nonetheless, it’s still good to test myself occasionally, and recently I did so.

Here’s a recent effort with pullups:

And here’s a recent effort with bar dips:

My lifetime know best effort for a single set is 18 repetitions for pullups and 25 repetitions for bar dips.  This means where I’m currently at is a little less in relation to where I’ve been.  I’m OK with this and will keep marching forward in my fitness training.

And part of this fitness training will be to occasionally do a pullups and bar dips test.
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

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