Well it's official - my wife and I will cook tamales for Christmas and I'm looking forward to it. Homemade tamales cooked in the evening on Christmas Eve and ready for consumption at midnight on Christmas Day. Tamales for Christmas is a taste of family and a tribute to the rich Mexican heritage of our ancestors.
Join me for a delicious Christmas dinner of homemade tamales. Need help? Click here: a recipe for making homemade tamales
Join me for a delicious Christmas dinner of homemade tamales. Need help? Click here: a recipe for making homemade tamales
Follow the instructions, be patient and get ready for a delicious and mouth-watering Christmas meal.
Right now my taste buds are salivating with excitement because we will be eating tamales for Christmas.
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum
I know what time you plan on eating. I just need your address so I can join you!
You are in good standing with me Charles so feel free to stop by on Christmas Eve and pick up a dozen.
Merry Christmas!
And you can feel free to grab a dozen to bring by my house, Charles. lol
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