Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Fireside chat with a centenarian

The Chief Executive Blogger of Pierini Fitness is currently negotiating for an exclusive interview of a good friend’s 100-year-young father.  

While it appears this golden interview opportunity will take place, its date and time have yet to be determined but it’s fair to say sometime in mid-February is a real probability.

The planned interview will focus on what you’d expect to read here.  We’ll ask this centenarian gentleman probing questions seeking to uncover his deep feelings and sage thoughts about living and dying, gracefully aging and trying his best to live a good and honest life. 

We’ll ask him what his yesteryear memories are of being a middle-aged man and what life was like during those golden chapters of his life. 

Of course we’ll touch on fitness too.

If you have questions to ask, please share in a comment below and we’ll consider adding them to our interview question list.

The pearls of wisdom we expect to report should make for a fascinating read.  

Check back often for further details of an upcoming exclusive Pierini Fitness fireside chat with a centenarian.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

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