you’ve ever known people who identify themselves as alcoholics, which takes rigorous honesty to do publicly, chances are they may regularly attend
Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) meetings.
known some who are and who do, and I’ve learned a little about what goes on in
these meetings and the 12-step recovery program world in which they live their
lives one day at a time.
people regularly attend group meetings designed to help them work on their
recovery and maintain the alcohol abstinence and sobriety they now desire. Meetings typically begin with participates
introducing themselves one at a time with a brief statement such as: “Hi, my name is Joe and I’m an alcoholic and have
xx days of abstinence and sobriety.”
AA 12 steps are a structured and time-tested program helping people abstain
from alcohol and work on their sobriety.
The first step is for the 12 step practitioner to admit he or she was
powerless over their addiction and that their lives had become unmanageable.
12 steps program of recovery is not limited to those struggling with being an
alcoholic and is used by other recovery support groups to help those struggling
with drug addiction, sex addiction, overeating, gambling and you name it.
borrowing the introductory statement above, Pierini Fitness wants to be
rigorously honest and introduce him to his followers with the following
my name is Pierini Fitness and I’m a chronically lazy middle-aged man and have zero days of lazy
abstinence and sobriety.”
Domini sit semper vobiscum
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