Pierini Fitness stays
focused by primarily writing stuff having a theme of middle-age man reflections
about living and dying, gracefully aging and trying to live a good and honest
life. But he also delivers, some
“scholarly masterpieces” on fitness, health and wellness; again, having a
middle-age man theme.
When I first began my blogging journey over a decade ago, the original idea was that Pierini Fitness would be a cyberspace arena I’d use to journal my fitness training workouts. Along the way, and early in the game, I composed my timeless classic, Every man who looks in the mirror sees a 16-year old kid. Realizing I was on to something, I immediately switched gears and started delivering reflections of the genre most often posted here.
Restless, from time to time, I would occasionally venture out and write economic and political stuff but quickly realized there is no shortage of middle-age man stiffs focusing on this content. So, I backed off and focused on writing what I enjoy the most.
Yet along the way, there was this urge to express myself about economic and political arena thoughts that surfaced in my mind’s eye from time to time. One day, about three years ago, I submitted an article to my hometown newspaper and shortly thereafter, received a telephone call from someone on the newspaper’s Editorial Board expressing an interest in publishing my submission. Pierini Fitness, the economic and political commentator, was born.
Over the next few months, I submitted and had published four op-ed articles appearing in the Sunday edition of my hometown newspaper. It was a great experience and I received a decent amount of both “fan” and “hate” e-mails from readers of my articles. It was fun and I quickly discovered how I liked being a “bad guy” and ruffling the feathers of the lefties reading my hometown newspaper.
Here are links to the four articles I wrote:
When I first began my blogging journey over a decade ago, the original idea was that Pierini Fitness would be a cyberspace arena I’d use to journal my fitness training workouts. Along the way, and early in the game, I composed my timeless classic, Every man who looks in the mirror sees a 16-year old kid. Realizing I was on to something, I immediately switched gears and started delivering reflections of the genre most often posted here.
Restless, from time to time, I would occasionally venture out and write economic and political stuff but quickly realized there is no shortage of middle-age man stiffs focusing on this content. So, I backed off and focused on writing what I enjoy the most.
Yet along the way, there was this urge to express myself about economic and political arena thoughts that surfaced in my mind’s eye from time to time. One day, about three years ago, I submitted an article to my hometown newspaper and shortly thereafter, received a telephone call from someone on the newspaper’s Editorial Board expressing an interest in publishing my submission. Pierini Fitness, the economic and political commentator, was born.
Over the next few months, I submitted and had published four op-ed articles appearing in the Sunday edition of my hometown newspaper. It was a great experience and I received a decent amount of both “fan” and “hate” e-mails from readers of my articles. It was fun and I quickly discovered how I liked being a “bad guy” and ruffling the feathers of the lefties reading my hometown newspaper.
Here are links to the four articles I wrote:
Absent workers fired for ‘Day Without Immigrants’ protest learned a lesson in capitalism
A capitalist approach is needed when replacing Obamacare
Aging California needs a fountain-of-youth solution
What’s the solution to California’s unaffordable housing crisis?
was one a roll and the sky was my limit, but my brief career as a published op-ed
article writer abruptly ended when my contact at the newspaper took an early
retirement. His replacement, I quickly
discovered, failed to see my talents in my subsequent article submissions. I tried and tried many times, but each
submission was not accepted. So, I
decided to throw in the towel, quit while I was ahead and take an early
retirement as an op-ed article writer about economic and political matters.
was fun while it lasted!
is an election year and although there’s a sizable cast of characters
expressing themselves at various venues about their economic and political
thoughts. I can tell when reading their
stuff how they’re enjoying what they’re doing.
I’m happy for them yet feel sorry for those who are confused in their
Pierini Fitness does now and then get the itch to express himself on
these matters, and he may from time to time this year because, after all, it’s
an election year and I judge that my thoughts are desperately needed to balance
out that which is expressed in the cyberspace political cloud of economic and
political thoughts.
stay tuned because you might be reading some of my economic and political
thought stuff in the months ahead because I can do that too.
Pax Domini
sit semper vobiscum