Normally I'm clockwork in posting blogflections at Pierini Fitness by 1:00 a.m. my time zone. How do I do that? Do I stay up until 1:00 a.m. in the morning to do so? Nope! I normally compose the late afternoon or evening before and, use a feature that allows me to select the exact time my blogflection is released into cyberspace.
Last night I forgot so today - early in the morning my time - I'm delivering to you my standard Sunday blogflection; that once again, Pierini Fitness is closed so the chief executive blogger can rest his body, mind and spirit, and that he'll be back tomorrow for another blogflection about a topic not yet determined (it's true) but guranteed to be creative and original.
Have a great Sunday. I'm off to make a cup of coffee and to wipe the sleep off my face.
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum
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