Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A video exercise demo worth 1,000 words

About two years ago I had a friend record a short video of me demonstrating five bodyweight-only exercises. I’ve recently resumed a brief early morning body limbering workout lasting between 5 to 10 minutes and one of the exercises I am doing is the 4-count cherry picker, demonstrated beginning at 0:28 of the video.

In my blogflection yesterday, I stated that there’s nothing new under the sun and that certainly is the case with exercises like these. That being said, watching a video can oftentimes motivate me to try something new and maybe that will be the case with you. These exercises are easy to perform so there’s no need for me to give you a long-winded explanation because I've given you a video exercise demo worth worth 1,000 words.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

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