In a moment or archival curiosity, I pulled out my prior bricks and mortar training journals that I store in my office desk drawer. I’m a training journal pack rat.
My curiosity was how I had trained on December 31st in years’ past. My bricks and mortar training journals go back for 5 years. This is what I discovered:
12/31/2008 – morning bodyweight of 192.5 lbs.
Flexibility and warm up drills for 15 minutes.
Snatch warm up drills with the Olympic bar – eventually added some light plates.
Squat snatch singles progression completing 12 out of 16 rep attempts.
12/31/2007 – morning bodyweight of 191.5 lbs.
Elliptical trainer for 5 minutes.
Flexibility drills with a light pole.
Snatch drills and clean & jerk drills with the Olympic bar – eventually added some light plates.
Combo of barbell squats with 30-second standard grip pullup hang holds – 5 rounds.
Elliptical trainer for 15 minutes.
12/31/2006 –morning bodyweight of 180 lbs.
7:00 p.m. New Year Eve 2-mile fun run – completed in 13:22.
12/31/2005 – morning bodyweight of 182.0 lbs.
Saturday morning karate workout.
A couple hours later - handstand pushups – 6-5-4-3-2-1 - behind-the-neck wide-grip pullups – 6-5-4-3-2-1 - handstand pushups x 6 failing on rep 7 - standard-grip pullups x 12.
12/31/2004 – morning bodyweight of 177.0 lbs.
No workout - rest from previous day's workout which was a tough high-repetition bodyweight-only workout of pullups and bar dips.
This morning my bodyweight was 183.0 lbs. Proving that history does repeat itself, today will be another December 31st day at the gym.
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum
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