For as long as I’ve been doing the work I do and the challenges of a very tough seasonal work schedule that concludes on April 15th, I’ve always taken the following day off and that’ll be the case this upcoming Friday. I’m looking forward to it.
Three years ago, it was the day my wife and I left for a 17-day vacation to Rome, Italy. There was much excitement of jumping on an airplane and crossing the Atlantic the day after my busy season ended but in hindsight, it was too exhausting because of the "vagabond" way we prefer to travel. It took forever for me to recover from that combination once we returned home and I haven’t done anything like that since.
I’m not sure what I did last April 16th other than take the day off and just smell the roses. That’s how simple it’ll be this Friday for it’s a promise I’ve made to myself. Last year we did go to Mexico City the last week of April, but that was after a week of rest and recovery to “heal” from the work-related abuse to which I’d been subjected.
There are so many people who have been waiting for my attention and a list of neglected chores to eventually tackle, not to mention restoring some regularity to my middle-age man fitness training. All that will wait for at least one day longer because Friday will be my day to rest and do nothing as I see fit.
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum
Did you ever get a haircut?
Maybe you could do that.
No haircut yet. I'll doubt I'll get one on Friday. Too much work!
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