Today I’ll start a 12-week strength training program that takes into account what I believe is best, yet challenging, for my middle-age man body.
My plan is to train three times a week and alternate between the following Workout A and Workout B:
Workout A
Barbell Olympic-style back squats - 3 sets of 5 reps.
Barbell bench press - 3 sets of 5 reps.
Barbell clean pulls - 3 set of 3 reps.
Knuckle pushups and bar dips for the next workout - 2 sets - first set to failure minus 1 rep and second set to failure.
Standard-grip hanging knees to elbow - 2 sets - first set to failure minus 1 rep and second set to failure.
Workout B
Barbell Olympic-style front squats – 3 sets of 5 reps.
Barbell overhead push press – 3 sets of 5 reps.
Barbell squat cleans – 3 sets of 3 reps.
Standard-grip pullups and standard-grip chinups for the next workout - 2 sets - first set to failure minus 1 rep and second set to failure.
Ab plank hold – 2 sets for the same hold time for both sets with rest time equal to 50% of the hold time.
I’ll follow this progressive resistance model:
(1) All sets with the same weight (after an appropriate warmup).
(2) Add 5 lbs. total weight each workout until I have technical form failure and unable to complete the planned reps for three workouts. Then I’ll reduce the weight by 10 percent for the stalled exercise only while continuing to add weight for the other exercises.
(3) I’ll continue adding 5 lbs. total weight each workout until I stall again with technical form failure for the planned reps.
(4) I’ll repeat this one step back and two steps forward approach for the entire 12 week length of this strength program, and follow the same principle for the pushups, pullups, chinups, bar dips and ab plank hold exercises.
It’s a tough program for me but I’m going to do it. Wish me success.
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum
Looks good, fellow middle aged guy; just remember to pay attention to feedback from your shoulders......
Yes sir, I will obey my shoulders for they are in charge.
I wish you more than that: I hope that you get some peace of mind. From what you describe on your blog, it sounds like the past 6 weeks have been brutal as hell!
Hope you're doing well and keep up the good fight!
Thank you Justin.
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