Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The door is always open

The chief executive blogger of Pierini Fitness is generally the only mule in the barn here but we’ve had guest bloggers in the past and their contributions have made it a better and more balanced cyberspace for all to enjoy.

If you have a middle-aged man message deserving to be shared with the cyberspace world, we invite you to let us know and, perhaps, you can serve as blogger of the day here. 

Are you interested? 

Please reply with a comment below that only we’ll be able to view.  Give us your name, contact e-mail address and a little detail about a middle-aged man reflection you’d like to share.  We'll contact you and perhaps we can seal a deal.

At Pierini Fitness, the door is always open.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

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