Another frequent topic of discussion during client meetings this year is the challenges clients are facing being responsive to the needs of their aging parents.
People are living longer than a generation ago and that include the mothers and fathers of middle-age men and women of my generation. Yesterday, for example, I met with a client who was leaving today for a distant trip to tend to the needs of elderly and needy parents.
The challenges are formidable because elderly and needy parents are oftentimes not revealing of their needs so as to not burden their children, or be in denial that they are reaching a point in their elder lives where help is needed. It’s a tough situation emotionally for adult children of elderly and needy parents, particularly when the parents live far away in another city or state.
The best I can do when having these discussions with clients is to listen attentively and with empathy, and praise them for doing the right thing as demanding as it may be. There comes a time when taking care of Mom and Dad takes precedence over the fun things we’d rather be doing with what little spare time we have.
There’s nothing more honorable than rising to the occasion and being a good son or daughter to our elderly parents in need, fully aware that, like Mom and Dad, one day it will be our turn.
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum
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