Life continues to get in my way of making it the gym. I wasn’t able to get there on Monday as planned, the topic of Monday’s blogflection at Pierini Fitness. My 83-year young Dad was in an automobile accident on Saturday and I’m spending the evenings at his home trying to lend him a helping hand. He has a very bruised and sore sternum from crashing it into the steering wheel of his car.
This couldn’t have happened at a more difficult time for me with my busy work schedule but stuff happens. I’m grateful for my wife who is helping him while I’m at work in the daytime.
At my Dad’s home after work on Monday, at about the time I would have been at the gym, I went into his garage where he has a squat rack and an Olympic bar and plates and completed four sets of barbell Olympic-style back squats and concluded with a single set of front squats.
It wasn’t much but it was something which is better than nothing since I never made it to the gym on Monday.
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum
I hope your dad is feeling better soon. Yeah, life gets in the way of exercise, but you're a fit dude. You can afford to miss a few workouts. And you did do something. Hang in there!
Thank you Donna and have a great day!
I'm sorry to hear about your father! I hope he recovers soon.
Thanks for the well wishes Vic. I don't believe we've crossed paths before in cyber-land.
Have a great day!
No I don't think we have. I just stumbled onto your blog. Anyway take care.
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