Friday, October 16, 2009

Mop the cardio floor in 5 minutes or less

On Monday I shared that I’ve been in the fitness kitchen cooking up new high-intensity and short duration cardio closer exercises for my workouts. For years, running was my cardio activity of choice but now as an official retired runner, I’m always on the search for interesting and new alternatives. A set of burpees is a no-brainer staple but since variety is the spice of life, I sometimes yearn for newness in my toolbox of cardio training tools.

Here’s the first of my two recent discoveries – walking lunges clubbell forward swings – in this short video demonstration:

Longer duration cardio such as slow and steady runs can be fun and pleasant but it’s also nice to mop the cardio floor in 5 minutes or less.

Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum

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